Help writing an essay for college
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
shake that monkey essays
shake that monkey articles There are three principle courses in school that I appreciate. These courses are Science, Mathematics and Keyboarding. Keyboarding is an instructive course that assists with building your composing aptitudes. Keyboarding encourages you type in the best possible configuration at a quick pace. It additionally instructs you PC terms, for example, hard drive, CPU and screen. Im keen on Keyboarding class since PCs are a major piece of the business world today and by taking this class it will assist me with advancing later on. Science is a difficult course. Science permits you to pick up information about existence and your body. Science portrays things like DNA, creature/plant cells and furthermore concoction and physical responses. Im inspired by Science since its a course that permits me to think carefully more and I love to be tested. Im additionally intrigued in light of the fact that I will love to comprehend the creature body the manner in which I do a human body. Arithmetic is a course that I revere. Science permits me to tackle issues and make sense of things with a procedure. Im keen on science since I handle it effectively and its simply like life; it takes a procedure to comprehend and life does likewise. I love this course since it is identified with what I intend to become after school. I intend to become and an Accountant. I picked that occupation since it manages arithmetic and people groups trust. I am known as a dependable individual and furthermore somebody, who is acceptable in arithmetic, so I wish to seek after my gifts in something great as turning into an Accountant. ... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Grammatical Tenses and English Test Date
Name English Test Date : April 9, 12 G. R. I. T Dep. First Year Duration : min Read the accompanying content, at that point answer the inquiries beneath: Sidney Fisk Work: Sidney Fisk is an attorney. He’s 45 years of age . He’s paid well indeed, however he as a rule needs to work extended periods of time. He works for a universal organization in Dallas, Texas, so he voyages a ton in his activity. Right now he’s working in Mexico, and one week from now he’s heading out to France. Home Life: Sidney is hitched and he’s got two youngsters, matured 11 and 14. He seldom observes his youngsters in light of the fact that such an extensive amount his time is spent away from home.He’s got a delightful house in the suburb of Dallas. It’s exceptionally large with eight rooms. His significant other is an inside planner. Leisure Time: If he’s at home at the end of the week , he and his significant other some of the time play golf , yet that d oesn’t happen all the time . They never have a lot of time to loosen up together . Is he cheerful : He says he doesn’t know whether he’s glad . He’s too occupied to even consider thinking about it . Questions : 1-What are the beneficial things about Sidney’s life ? ( 1pt ) 2-What are the terrible things about Sidney’s life ? ( 1 pt ) 3-Do you think his life is energizing or exhausting ?Would you like to have an actual existence like Sidney’s ? State why ? (2 pts ) 4-What are the elements for joy as you would like to think ? State in any event three and legitimize your answer . ( 1. 5 pt ) 5 †Pick out from the content words that may have a similar importance as the accompanying :(1. 5 pt ) A - Corporation b †move between various places c-away from city 6 †Pick out from the content :(2 pts) a-Simple current state and legitimize its utilization b-Present constant tense c-Two descriptive words and express the word each alte rs d-Two occupations
Friday, August 21, 2020
Reflective Study free essay sample
Intelligent composing gives a chance to increase further bits of knowledge from the work through more profound reflection on our own encounters, and through further thought of different points of view from individuals and hypothesis. Through reflection we can develop the gaining from work. ’(Watton P, Collings J) (Branch Paranjape, 2002, p. 1185) states intelligent composing is composing which includes Consideration of the bigger setting, the importance, and the ramifications of an encounter or activity. ‘It isn't adequate just to have an involvement with request to learn. Without reflecting upon this experience it might rapidly be overlooked, or its learning potential lost. It is from the emotions and considerations rising up out of this reflection that speculations or ideas can be created. Furthermore, it is speculations that permit new circumstances to be handled adequately. ’ (Gibbs 1988) As a piece of my abroad nursing program, I was allowed my preferred chance to introduce any subject on the nineteenth of July 2012. We will compose a custom article test on Intelligent Study or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page I was approached to do an intelligent report on my experience doing the introduction. The most regularly utilized model by wellbeing experts for intelligent composing is the Gibbs model. I picked this model to consider my introduction. My introduction was on an uncommon program run by my Nursing home for occupants with cutting edge dementia, called ‘Namaste Care’. Gibbs intelligent cycle comprises of 6steps in particular , Description, feeling , assessment, investigation, end and activity plan. It empowers an away from of the circumstance, investigation of emotions, assessment of the experience, examination to comprehend the experience, end where different choices are thought of and reflection upon experience to analyze what you would do if the circumstance emerged again Gibbs (1988). I picked Gibbs model as this makes us to thoroughly consider all the periods of an encounter or action. Depiction The subject I picked ‘Namaste care’ is a program intended to improve the quality existence of inhabitants with cutting edge dementia. Namaste care program which is rehearsed at my arrangement region is being conveyed to the inhabitants with cutting edge dementia throughout the previous one year. It has been discovered exceptionally compelling and helpful for the inhabitants with dementia. The idea was extremely intriguing and grabbed my eye on my absolute first day of arrangement. As a piece of my learning experience I got the chance to take an interest in Namaste care. It gave me an understanding realize that there is a soul that lives in every individual independent of their physical and state of mind and it is this soul that we are supporting through cherishing contact, important exercises and nearness of others (Joyce Simmard 2007). As a piece of my Overseas Nursing Program I was solicited to introduce on a theme from my decision. The second I was told, I precisely comprehended what I was going to introduce on. The nursing home I am doing my arrangement is doing a program called Namaste Care. It is extremely new subject and experiencing a great deal of conversations among wellbeing experts working with dementia patients. What's more, there was a narrative circulated on BBC fourteen days before I began my situation. It’s such an excellent and improving experience, that I was anxious to share what I saw and realized at the nursing home. . The most significant factor of a fruitful introduction is choosing a theme that would teach, engage and persuade the crowd (Dlugan 2008). My hunch disclosed to me that this will be an intriguing theme, as a large portion of my cohorts were doing their positions in a nursing home, overhauling to dementic occupants. I talked about it with my coach and she was cheerful that I chose a subject which is new and advantageous to UK wellbeing practice. I began assembling all the data required for my introduction through diaries, sites, books, and the rules given to the nursing home with respect to Namaste care. A large portion of my examination originated from the book ‘Namaste care’ composed by Joyce Simmard. It was useful as it legitimately was composed by the organizer of Namaste care. I arranged a work in progress of all the data I needed to talk during my introduction. Presently I needed to make the introduction intrusting, and the idea of a force point introduction ran over. Studies have indicated that Power Point introduction may improve understudy perspectives toward the teacher and class introduction (Nouri H et al 2005). Having done introduction during my Masters made it simple to utilize the apparatus. I downloaded proper pictures and added them to the slides. ‘Clear pictures increase the crowds level of comprehension of the material introduced, and they ought to be utilized to fortify your message, explain focuses, and make excitement’ (OSHA 1996). I assembled more data about how to make fascinating slides, a slide appear by Satyajeet Singh helped me to get ready successful and eye catching slides. I picked proper pictures and applied them out of sight. I ensured the text styles were of the proper size. Sentences were composed plainly and made in shots, which was short and basic (Singh S). My Next assignment was to hold fast to as far as possible given to us, which was 15 minutes for each individual. I isolated the time between presentation, clarification, demonstrating a short video, end and questions. The expert speaker George Torok says practicing discourse remaining on your feet will give certainty (George Torok 2004). George likewise says that instead of remembering the entire subject, know the theme and make your own focuses (George Torok 2004). I practiced the readied slides and working on completing my introduction inside 13 min, leaving 2 minutes for concealed disasters. Upon the arrival of my introduction I arrived at the school 15 minutes ahead of schedule, giving personal time to check if the projector was working fine and to see my introduction on projection. I was somewhat anxious, however as I had polished well it quieted me down to a limited degree. I had the option to convey as I had arranged and rehearsed. My schoolmates were useful and didn't hinder pointlessly, which helped me to complete my introduction inside as far as possible given to me. My assessor was content with my introduction and gave me input on zones to improve. FEELING My underlying apprehension was introducing inside the time allotment given to me, as there was such a great amount to discuss and less time. In any case, as I began setting up my unfinished copy I had the option to pick basic focuses and territories to talk on. My coach guided me in consising my introduction. Rehashed practice helped me to convey my introduction inside as far as possible. I was as yet on edge upon the arrival of my introduction. I came 15minutes before to check the projector and the web as I needed to play a video from the site. When I had everything checked and I was readied, my restless decreased significantly. I typically don't have stage dread, by on that day I was somewhat apprehensive as I was going to introduce on a point that was new and obscure to everybody. I needed to convey the subject as far as I could possibly know. It was another consideration way to deal with me also, which made me dread the scrutinizing part. Be that as it may, toward the finish of my introduction I had the option to respond to all the inquiries put over. I had an enthusiastic and supportive crowd which gave me certainty and fervor to carry on . It helped me present and answer to their inquiries. Toward the finish of introduction I felt loose and glad as I had the option to convey as I had arranged. Assessment This experience gave me certainty to confront a gathering and talk. It trained personal time the board. My encouraging aptitudes were improved giving me a great learning experience. My Knowledge and abilities on Namaste care improved and I had the option to relate and apply it in my consideration for dementia patients. Namaste care has various projects for various patient needs, I had the option to clarify just a piece of it as the theme is to immense. This frustrated me; as I needed make individuals mindful of the considerable number of parts of Namaste Care. Investigation Once I completed my introduction my assessor gave me criticism on the regions that should be improved. I understood that however I alluded many research examines, I neglected to remember them for slides which was referenced by assessor as one point to improve. He remarked that the presentation was acceptable and the slides were clear and fascinating. He likewise proposed improving the communication with gathering. Determination The introduction was a decent encounter for me, it improved my showing aptitudes in an expert way. My trust in discussing ailments expanded; draw out the mentorship and initiative characteristics in me. Criticism from my assessor and gathering was a prize for my difficult work and I was amazingly enchanted to hear positive reaction from them. Activity PLAN In future I might want to improve more on my introduction abilities. I am sure do any lessons that I have to do as an aspect of my responsibilities job once enrolled. I will inquire about additional on educating and introduction aptitudes and I will attempt to utilize each opportunity that get. I will chip away at my disadvantages and bring more gathering communication next time. REFERENCE 1. Dlugan, A (2008) ‘Speech arrangement; choosing a discourse topic’, Six minutes Speaking and introduction skills(online) accessible at http://sixminutes. dlugan. com/discourse planning 2-select-theme thought/[accessed on 05-02-2012] 2. Nouri, H and Shahid, A (2005) ‘The impact of intensity point introductions on understudy learning and attitudes’ Global viewpoint on bookkeeping education’ (on the web) accessible at ttp://gpae. bryant. edu/~gpae/vol2 [accessed on 07-02-2012] 3. Oxford creeks college, ‘Using Gibbs: Example of feflective writing in social insurance assignment’ (on the web) accessible at http://www. brookes. air conditioning. uk/administrations/update/a-z/reflective_using_gibbs. html [accessed on 02-02 -2012] 4. Simard
Saturday, May 30, 2020
Strategies involved in opting an infrastructure project - Free Essay Example
ECONOMIC AND INDUSTRY OUTLOOK Indian Construction Industrywas almost similar to the construction industry evolution in other countries: founded by Government and slowly taken over by enterprises. After independence the need for industrial and infrastructural developments in India laid the foundation stone of construction, architectural and engineering services. The objective of such an imposition was to develop local design capabilities parallel with the inflow of imported technology and skills. This measure encouraged international construction and consultancy organizations to set upjoint venturesand register their presence in India. In India Construction has accounted for around 40 per cent of the development investment during the past 50 years. Around 16 per cent of the nations working population depends on construction for its livelihood. The Indian construction industry employs over 3 crore people and creates assets worth over20,000 crore. Total sales of construction industry have reached 42,885.38 crores in 2004 05 from21,451.9 crores in 2000-01. The Indian construction industry comprises 200 firms in the corporate sector. In addition to these firms, there are about 1, 20,000 class A contractors registered with various government construction bodies. There are thousands of small contractors, which compete for small jobs or work as sub-contractors of prime or other contractors. PEST ANALYSIS POLITICAL FACTORS SEZ Act to Boost Infrastructural Development: SEZ is the new destination for real estate investors. Currently 150 SEZs are approved out of which 85 SEZs are in the IT/ITES area and 10-15 SEZs in the electronics area.130 SEZs are developed by real estate developers which constitute of about 50% of the total SEZ area. IT SEZ should be developed and made operational within the period of six months from the date of notification. Thus, 130 approved SEZs would result in investment of US$10 bn to US$ 12 bn immediately. Cement Prices Reduced for State Infrastructure Projects The continued thrust on infrastructure development will provide impetus to the healthy growth in demand, protecting the bottomline of cement companies to an extent. The reduction in the CST and in freight rates on diesel and limestone will be marginally positive for some companies. FDI Liberalization to Augment Industry Growth Recent amendments by the government have made accessibility to the required capital much easier. Opening of FDI in construction and allowing developers to raise capital in international markets has led to developments of larger projects benchmarked against international standard REITs to Positively Affect Real Estate Business The proposed introduction of REMF (Real Estate Mutual Fund) and REIT (Real estate Investment Trust) will boost real estate investments from the small investors point of view. This will allow small investors to enter real estate market with contribution as less than Rs 10,000. The concept of REIT is on the verge of entering India and would be structured as a company dedicated to owning and in most cases operating income producing real estate such as apartments, shopping centers, offices warehouses. ECONOMIC FACTORS Growth in Construction Activity Stimulating GDP Growth India is witnessing tremendous growth expansion of construction activities and construction is largest component of GDP. It has been growing at a rate over 10% in the past few years when GDP growth is around 8%.Within construction; sectors such as roads, railways, housing and power have been keen drivers. Rate Hikes Unlikely To Slow Down Growth It has been analyzed that residential prices have increased by about 15- 20% on average in the last one year. There has been strong growth in demand supported by rising disposable incomes, low interest rates, and fiscal incentives on both interest and principal payments and increasing urbanization. SOCIAL FACTORS Shifting Consumption Pattern to Fuel Industry Growth The consumption pattern of Indian households is undergoing a gradual, but steady change. The share of food and beverages, which used to constitute almost 50% of household spend until 2003 is expected to fall to 45% by FY08. We expect the share of discretionary items to consistently rise given the rising affordability and changing aspiration levels. Increased exposure to western lifestyles (through media as well as overseas travels) has altered the consumption pattern of Indian people. Rising Urbanization to Boost Industrial Growth Urban infrastructure consists of drinking water, sanitation, sewage systems, electricity and gas distribution, urban transport, primary health services, and environmental regulation. Many of these services are in the nature of local public goods with the benefits from improved urban infrastructure. The urban population in India will grow by 85 million over the next 10 years. Green buildings in India The green building movement has gained tremendous momentum during 3 to 4 years, ever since the Green Business Centre embarked on achieving the prestigious LEED rating for their own centre at Hyderabad. The Platinum rating for green building has sensitized the stakeholders of construction industry. There is tremendous potential for construction of green buildings in India. The estimated market potential for green building will be about $ 400 million in 2010.There will be favorable policies of the government would provide the right impetus for advancing the green building movement in India. TECHNOLOGICAL FACTORS Low Technology Adoption to Hinder Growth The poor state of technology adopted by the construction sector adversely affects its performance. Upgrading of technology is required both in the manufacturing of construction material and in construction activities. As a large number of construction materials are manufactured in the unorganized sector, effective monitoring and regulation of the production of these materials to ensure proper quality becomes difficult. Use of low-grade technology in the construction sector leads to low value addition and low productivity, apart from poor or substandard quality of construction and time overruns in projects. The non-availability of quality construction tools is the main reason for this. Besides, the construction sector also lacks information about new technology. Construction as per Indian Requirements The construction needs to be done as per Indian standards and requirements which will demand considerable changes form the international requirements. The infrastructure requirements of India are much different as the population spread, increasing urbanization, increasing slums, the small space for roads, the water problems are more. Ready-Mix-Concrete Being Experimented With The Ready mix concrete business in India is in its infancy. For example, 70% of cement produced in a developed country like Japan is used by Ready Mix concrete business there. Here in India, Ready Mix concrete business uses around 2% of total cement production. Much of construction done in India is very slow paced. The concrete making process at site takes much time with variation in quality. The increasing use of ready mix not only saves on time but allows the better quality. It will also eliminate the storage space at site, eliminate Procurement / Hiring of plant and machinery, reduce wastages of basic material, noise and dust at site will be reduced. Also organization at site will be streamlined. This will improve the rate at which infrastructure can be built in India. ABOUT THECOMPANY Lanco is one of the fastest growing Integrated Infrastructure Enterprises of India, operating across a synergistic chain of Strategic Business Units (SBUs) comprising Power, EPC, Construction, Renewable, Resources, Non-Power Infrastructure, Property development and CSR. Lanco Infratech Ltds current market capitalization is approximately Rs. 15,000 Crores (USD 3.33 billion). Out of the total Share Capital, the promoters holding is about 68 %. The gross revenue of Lanco as on March 2010 was over Rs. 8200 Crores (USD 1.8 billion). Lanco is fast emerging as one of the top three private sector power developers in India with 2092 MW under operation, 7153 MW under construction, and 11070 MW of projects under development. In a strategic move that provides increased fuel security for its current power generating assets and its future power portfolio expansions, Lanco through its step down Australian subsidiary, Lanco Resources Australia, has acquired Griffin Coal Mining Company and Carpenter Mine Management. Griffin coal, based out of Collie in Western Australia, owns the largest operational thermal coal mines in Western Australia, producing over 4 mtpa of coal which can be ramped up to over 15 mtpa in the near term, post development of evacuation infrastructure. Lanco has strategic global partnerships with top-notch companies which include: Genting, Harbin, GE, Dongfang, Doosan etc. Today, Lanco is one of Indias largest Power Traders in the private sector. A people driven organization, Lanco operates from 20 States in India and has international operations in Australia, China, Indonesia, Nepal, Singapore, United Kingdom and USA with a human resource base of about 6500 people. Lanco has an Order book of Rs 25,425 Crores as of September 2010. Lanco is also a privileged member to the World Economic Forum and it has been acknowledged as an elite member of the top two hundred Global Growth Companies. As part of its business strategy, the company has chalked out an ambitious growth plan Lancos Vision 2015: to build a High Performance Organization with an operating capacity of 15000 MW in Power. Lanco also envisages aggressive growth plans for EPC with a strong Order book growth. VISION OF LANCO An India without poverty, where the internationally agreed millennium development goals are met and people with dignity and respect, using their full potential to access the opportunities and exercise choices for their own development -a society that constantly moves to inspire people. MISSION OF LANCO To work towards developing rural and urben communities in order to reduce poverty and contribute effectively towards reduction in loss of environment resources. To improve human development indices through projects and programs at the local, state and national level. Mission. Development of society through enterpreneurship Vision. Most admired integrated infrastructure enterprise VALUES OF LANCO Integrity We choose to be honest in all our Business Interactions and Transactions and remain steadfast even when challenged. We strive for consistency between what we think, what we Say and what we do. Humility Respect We are consistently humble in our approach to and interactions with people. We treat every person with respect at all times, unconditionally. Organisation Before Self We recognize that organization interest is supreme, above individual preferences and goals. In all our decisions, actions and dealings we put the Organization before self. Achievement Drive We have an urge that drives us to intensely focus on performance and act decisively with high energy to achieve the desired results. We strive to continuously learn and consistently set higher Standards of Excellence. Positive Attitude We always demonstrate a can-do mind-set and engage to deliver organizational goals. We look upon challenging circumstances as opportunities to enhance our capabilities and find ways of achieving. Accountability We own up to our words, actions and outcome.When we commit to do something, we own it and we do it decisively and responsibly. Teamwork We work harmoniously with a shared vision, energized by our collective talent. We Trust, Listen to, Share with and Empower team members and take collective responsibility for the results. AWARDS EPC-World Awards 2010 for Outstanding contribution in Power Energy sector (Generation). 8 th Construction World- Annual Awards 2010 for Fastest Growing Construction Company (Large Category)- 1stRank 7thConstruction World- Annual Awards 2009 for Fastest Growing Construction Company (Large Category)- 3rdRank Aban Power Company Ltd TERI Corporate Award for Environmental Excellence and Corporate Social Responsibility June 2009. IKU II IEEMA award for Excellence in Fast Track Commissioning of Small Hydro Projects February 2009 PRSI Confers Golden Jubilee Award for the Most Impressive Public Relations Initiatives August 2008 Clarion Power Corporation Ltd FAPCCI Award for Excellence in Renewable Energy 2007. Construction World NICMAR Awards 2007 for the Second Fastest Growing Construction Company (Medium Category) in India. LANCO Institute of General Humanitarian Trust (LIGHT) TERI Award 2006-07 for Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility. PRSI National Award for House Journal (English) First Prize PRSI Confers Golden Jubilee Award for the Most Impressive Public Relations Initiatives Award for Excellence in Bridge Engineering 1999 from the Indian Institute of Bridge Engineers. SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTHS Employment and training opportunities in the field of construction. Private sector housing boom and commercial building demands Construction of the multi building projects on the feasible locations in the country. Good structured national network facilitates the boom of construction industry. Low cost well- educated and skilled labour force is now widely available across the country. Sufficient availability of raw material and natural resources in the country is supportive for the industry. Real estate development is on high and it is attracting the focus of the industry towards construction. WEAKNESS Distance between construction projects reduces business efficiency. Training itself has become a challenge. Changing skills requirements and an ageing workforce may emphasize the skills gap. Improvement in long-term career prospects is highly required to encourage staff retention and new entrants. External allocation of large contracts becomes difficult. Lack of clearly defined processes and procedures for construction and its management. Huge amount of money needs to be invested in this industry. OPPORTUNITIES Continuous private sector housing boom will create more construction opportunities. Public sector projects through Public Private Partnerships will bring further opportunities. Developing supply chain through involvement in large projects is likely to enhance the chances in construction. Renewable energy projects will offer opportunities to develop skills and capacity in new markets. More flexible training delivery techniques are now available. Financial supports like loan and insurance and growth in income of people is in support of construction industry. THREATS Long term market instability and uncertainty may damage the opportunities and prevent the expansion of training and development facilities. Current economic situation may have an adverse impact on construction industry. Political and security conditions in the region and Late legislative enforcement measures are always threats to any industry in India. Infrastructure safety is a challenging task in construction industry. Lack of political willingness and support on promoting new strategies. Natural abnormal casualties such as earth quake and floods are uncertain and can prevent the construction boom. Inefficient accessibility in planning and concerning the infrastructure. Competitors are emerging in the industry by leaps and bounds. METHODOLOGY To Start with, the historical growth of vehicles is examined based on the traffic surveys conducted in the past along the study corridor. Having examined the accuracy and reliability of data, we further analyze the motor vehicle registration statistics at the state level to establish a relationship between the economic variables and the registration data, as a proxy for the traffic growth. The relationship provides the elasticity values by vehicle type, which are then compared with the results of other studies of similar nature carried out in the recent past. The comparative picture provides us the required validation and modification of the estimated elasticity values. Finally, based on the future economic growth prospects in terms of income growth, per capita growth and population growth are considered for estimating the future traffic growth rate by vehicle type. Traffic Studies are carried out: To obtain the knowledge of the type and volume of traffic at present and to estimate future traffic that the road is expected to carry. To determine the facilities provided on the roads such as traffic regulation and control, intersections, so that improvement on the basis of traffic density may be carried out. To design the geometric features and pavement thickness on the basis of traffic surveys. Traffic survey and studies are done as a part of the study to assess the base year traffic pattern. Different traffic studies : A comprehensive 7 day traffic volume count at toll plaza locations. Origin-destination (OD) survey at 2 suitable locations. A comprehensive 1 day number plate registration survey at toll plaza locations. Comprehensive surveys between the alternate routes covering both existing and future responsibilities. Calculation of: Average daily traffic (ADT). Annual average daily traffic (AADT) considering the seasonality variation. A comprehensive 7 day traffic volume count at toll plaza locations: The main objective of classified traffic volume count was to access the traffic characteristics on project road section in terms of hourly variation, peak hour traffic, average daily traffic, traffic composition and directional distribution. The survey was carried out by vehicle counting and classifying the vehicle passing the survey station. The counts were made separately for motorized and non motorized vehicles. In addition toll exempted vehicles i.e. government, ambulance, fire vehicles etc. were classified separately. Traffic Volume is the number of vehicles crossing a section of road per unit time at any selected period. The commonly used units are vehicles per day and vehicles per hour. The various methods available are: Manual methods Combination of manual and mechanical method Automatic devices Moving observer devices Photographic methods Generally manual method is used. This method employs a field team to record traffic volume on the prescribed record sheets. In this method the fluctuations of traffic volume during the hours of the day and the daily variations are observed. Origin-destination (OD) survey at 2 suitable locations: Origin and Destination survey for road section was obtained by carrying out by police assistance. Data of origin and destination of the trip was collected in the survey; a zoning system was order to analyze the origin destination data. Origin destination data was used to identify the zones that contribute to the traffic on the road. Growth of traffic on the road will depend upon the economic developments in the influence areas of the road. TheOrigin -Destination survey was carried out with the primary objective of studying the travel pattern of passenger and goods traffic along the study corridor. The results of this survey forms a useful input for estimating the growth rates for traffic projections, identification of toll plaza location and planning for toll collection system. The various applications of OD survey may be summed up as follows: To locate expressway or major routes along the desire lines. To judge the adequacy of parking facilities and to plan for future. To locate intermediate stops of public transport. To establish preferential routes for various categories of vehicle including by pass. Methods for collecting the OD survey data: Road-side interview method License plate method Return post card method Tag-on-car method Generally road-side interview method is used in which vehicles are stopped at previously decided interview stations by a group of persons with the help of police assistance and the answers to prescribed questionnaire are collected on the spot. A comprehensive 1 day number plate registration survey at toll plaza locations: Registration plate survey is carried out at all toll plaza locations to know that how much traffic is influenced by the local traffic. Because if the person is staying inside the radius of 20 kms from the toll plaza location then he has to pay only 50 percent of the toll tax according to the government policy. Comprehensive surveys between the alternate routes: The main objective of this survey is to analyze the alternative routes and leakage of traffic on the project road because it will directly affect your toll revenue. Average daily traffic (ADT): Average daily trafficorADT is the average number ofvehiclestwo-way passing a specific point in a 24-hour period, normally measured throughout a year. ADT is not as highly referred to as the engineering standard ofAADTwhich is the standard measurement for vehicle traffic load on a section of road, and the basis for most decisions regardingtransport planning, or to the environmental hazards of pollution related to road transport. Annual average daily traffic (AADT): Annual average daily traffic or AADT is a measure used primarily intransportation planningandtransportation engineering. It is the total volume of vehicle traffic of ahighwayorroad for a year divided by 365 days. AADT is a useful and simple measurement of how busy the road is. It is also sometimes reported as average annual daily traffic. One of the most important uses of AADT is for determining funding for the maintenance and improvement of Highways. AADT is calculated by multiplying Seasonal variation factor in ADT. Formula for calculating Annual average daily traffic (AADT) from ADT is as under: Annual average daily traffic (AADT) = Factor * Average daily traffic Seasonal Variation of traffic (correction factor) The flow of traffic on the road varies significantly during different months of the year. As monthly flow data is not available, petrol and diesel sales are collected from petrol stations along the highway to calculate the correction factor. This data is analyzed compared to the month of ADT the annual average variation factor valuated to arrive at AADT from ADT as recorded. REASEARCH AND FINDINGS For completion of the project Strategies involved in opting an infrastructure project (highway) through traffic study The aim of the project is to analyze and interpret the traffic study reports based on which highway projects are bid. Interpretation of the report is very critical as it helps in assessing the revenue generation for the entire concession period, based on which a bid is made. In order to complete my project, I was asked to thoroughly analyze the report on Kota-Jhalawar road section on NH-12 and Aligarh-Kanpur road section on NH-91 KOTA-JHALAWAR ROAD SECTION ON NH-12 TRAFFIC SURVEYS Proposed number and locations of traffic survey stations have been identified after detail reconnaissance. The Traffic Engineer has trained the post-in-charges and monitors the training of surveyors by them. Survey and count sheets have been spot checked on a regular basis and data registered in the field office. Data to be collected from includes: The type of traffic surveys and the minimum number of survey stations were as under:- S. No. Description Number of Survey stations per 100 Km 1 Classified Traffic Volume Count 3 2 Origin-Destination and Commodity Movement Characteristics Minimum 2 3 Axle Loading Characteristics 2 4 Intersection Volume Count All Major Intersection 5 Speed-Delay Characteristics Project Road Section 6 Pedestrian/animal cross traffic count All major in habilitations all along the highway CLASSIFIED VOLUME COUNT The classified traffic volume count surveys have been carried out for 7 days (continuous, direction-wise) at the selected survey stations indicated below. Keeping in view the vehicle classification system given in IRC codes (IRC 9 1972, IRC SP: 19 2001) the following generalized classification system have been used in recording the classified volume count. Motorized Traffic Non-Motorized Traffic: 2-Wheeler Bi-Cycle 3-Wheeler Cycle-Rickshaw Passenger Car Animal Drawn Vehicle (ADV) Utility Vehicle (Jeep, Van etc.) Hand Cart Other Non-Motorized Vehicle Bus LCV Truck MCV: 2-Axle Rigid Chassis MCV: 3-Axle Rigid Chassis MAV Semi Articulated (For Procedure of Traffic Analysis refer Annexure I ) ORIGIN-DESTINATION SURVEYS: We have carried out O-D and Commodity Movement Surveys at locations given below in accordance with IRC: 9-1972. The roadside interviews were on random sample basis as per TOR. The trip matrices were worked out for each vehicle type information on weight for trucks was summed up by commodity type and the results tabulated, giving total weight and average weight per truck for the various commodity types. The sample size for each vehicle type was indicated on the table and also in the graphical representations. The data derived from surveys has also been analyzed to bring out the lead and load characteristics and desire line diagrams. Three Locations identified for O-D surveys are as under:- Near Kebal Nagar Village(Both Direction) .265.000 Near Devarighata (Both Direction) ..320.000 Near Chandrabhaga river Toll Plaza..337+500 TURNING MOVEMENT SURVEYS The turning movement surveys for estimation of peak hour traffic for the design of major intersections were carried out for the Study. The details regarding composition and directional movement of traffic have been compiled. The methodology for the surveys was in accordance with IRC: SP: 41-1994. The data derived from the survey was used to analyze and to identify requirements of suitable remedial measures, such as construction of underpasses, flyovers, interchanges, and grade-separated intersections along the project road alignment. Intersections with high traffic volume requiring special treatments either presently or in future were identified. Locations comprising major intersections have been identified during detail reconnaissance. Data for turning movement survey is vital in identifying the section for operation as toll road. Details are presented in Annexure to chapter 6. Identified Location of Turning Movement Count (TMC) stations are as: Sangod Kanwas Junction .291.000 Chechat Rawat Bhata Road .304.600 Link Road of SH 9A Ram Ganj Mandi 315.500 Bagher Mandawar Junction .67+683 Mandawar Teendhar Junction 346+539 AXLE LOAD SURVEYS The axle load surveys have been done using load cell. The axle load data was collected axle configuration-wise. The number of equivalent standard axles per truck was calculated on the basis of results obtained. The results of the survey have been used for VDF. Furthermore, the data from axle load surveys was analyzed to bring out the Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) and Single Axle Load (SAL) Distributions by truck type (axle configuration). SPEED-DELAY SURVEYS Appropriate field studies such as moving car survey to determine running speed and journey speed. The data was analyzed to identify sections with typical traffic flow problems and congestion. Recommendation was made for suitable measures for segregation of local traffic, smooth flow of through traffic and traffic safety. These measures have included the provision of bypasses, under-passes, flyovers, grade separated intersections and service roads. Speed delay survey was done for whole project highway. TRUCK TERMINAL SURVEYS The data derived from the O-D, speed-delay, and other surveys was analyzed to assess requirements for present and future development of truck terminals at suitable locations en-route. ROAD INVENTORY SURVEYS Detailed road inventory surveys have been carried out to collect details of all existing road pavement features along the existing road sections. The data collected through road inventory surveys was sufficient to meet the requirements. The data are presented in the format given as Road Inventory Data Sheet (IRC-SP- 19-2001). The headings are given below. Terrain (flat, rolling, mountainous) Land Use (agricultural, commercial, forest, residential etc) @ every kilometer; Name of Village Carriageway width, surfacing type and condition @ every 500m and every change of feature whichever is earlier; Shoulder surfacing type and width and condition @ every 500m and every change of feature whichever is earlier; Height of embankment or depth of cut @ every 200m and every change of feature whichever is earlier. Submergence Details of cross road The data have been collected in sufficient detail, compiled presented in tabular form. The data have been stored in computer files using utility packages, such as EXCEL etc. SUBGRADE CHARACTERISTIC STRENGTH The testing of soils for classification mechanical characteristics has been as per terms of reference. Testing of three sub-grade soil samples for each design section or three samples for each soil type encountered, whichever is more has been done. Thus testing for sub-grade soil at each test pit includes: In-situ density moisture content Field CBR using DCP Characterization (Grain size Atterberg Limits) Laboratory moisture-density characteristics (modified AASHTO compactions) Laboratory CBR (unsoaked 4 day soaked compacted at 3 energy levels) INVESTIGATION OF BORROW AREAS The borrow areas were first identified by visual inspection and enquiries along the project road and adjacent areas. The soil samples from these borrow areas were collected, and the required tests as per specification IRC/BIS codes were done. Grain size analysis was done for particles smaller than 4.75mm. For particles having size between 4.75mm and 75 microns, sieve analysis was done (wet sieving) and for particles smaller than 75 microns, Hydrometer analysis was done. CBR test, Atterbergs Limit and moisture contents were also determined. Material found satisfactory can be used for construction activity. INVESTIGATION OF MATERIAL FOR CONSTRUCTION The investigation of different quarries was conducted from different places where stone aggregates and sand are available. Samples were collected and tests were performed in accordance with IS: 2386 (Part III), IS: 120 (Part I), AASHTO-T182, IS: 624-1971, IS: 2380 (Part V). BOT II / DPR / 03) 3 -12 INVESTIGATIONS OF OTHER CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS Availability and suitability of other construction materials like Fly ash, coarse sand, local sand and bricks were investigated. Samples were collected and required tests performed in the laboratory. Cement, Steel and Bitumen are manufactured items and readily available. DRAINAGE SYSTEM Requirement of roadside drainage system and the integration of the same with proposed cross drainage system have been worked out for the entire length. Improving storm water drainage in built-up areas using vertical drains as per IRC: SP: 50-1990 has been adopted. Median cut of 1.5m widths has again been proposed for section with super elevated carriageways. The water will flow from one carriageway to other and then finally into the open drain running parallel to the alignment. INVESTIGATIONS FOR STRUCTURES We have made an inventory of all the structures (bridges, viaducts, ROB, culverts, etc.) along the road under the project. The inventory for the bridges, viaducts and ROBs shall include the parameters required as per the guidelines of IRC-SP: 35- 1990. HYDRAULIC AND HYDROLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS The hydrological and hydraulic studies were carried out in accordance with IRC Special Publication No. 13 (Guidelines for the Design of Small Bridges and Culverts) and IRC: 5-1998 (Standard Specifications Code of Practice for Road Bridges, Section I General Feature of Design). These investigations were carried out for all existing drainage structures along the road sections under the study. Study on topography (topographic maps), storm duration, rainfall statistics, topsoil characteristics, vegetation cover etc were done so as to assess the catchments areas and hydraulic parameters for all existing and proposed drainage provisions. The findings of the desk study have been further supplemented and augmented by a reconnaissance along the area. All-important hydrological features were noted during this field reconnaissance. Information on high flood level (HFL), low water levels (LWL), discharge velocity etc. were collected from available past records, local inquiries and visible signs , on the structural components and embankments. Local inquiries were also made with regard to the road sections getting overtopped during heavy rains. TRAFFIC SURVEY ANALYSIS AND FORECAST INTRODUCTION Traffic is one of the most important components of road project feasibility study. The study of traffic travel characteristics is conducted to assess the nature and magnitude of traffic problems on the project road. A correct assessment of the existing traffic condition along with past traffic flow trends forms a basis for further analysis of estimation of traffic flow for the horizon years. As the travel is the derived demand due to interaction of numerous socio economic activities, it is also imperative to study the growth of the socio-economic, demographic profiles in the project area influencing the travel demand. Presently traffic facilities on the project road in terms of pedestrian sidewalk in urban area, access control, road signage and markings are non-existent or at best highly deficient. Certain sections on the road, heavy movement of goods traffic poses serious problems of traffic operation resulting in high degree of traffic congestion. Other problems along the highway are inadequate sight distance, poor road geometrics, kerb side parking, and non-conforming land use activities along the roadside and other encroachments within right of way. Keeping these in view, utmost and judicious care has been taken to organize various logistics to study the traffic and travel characteristics on the project road. This would enable to plan and design the project road to meet future traffic requirements and ensure safe and efficient movement of traffic for horizon years. Traffic data is one of the important inputs required for a highways project. This chapter deals with various traffic studies carried out and the analysis of the data obtained from these studies. The following traffic studies have been carried out for the project. Classified traffic volume counts for 7 days and 24 hours duration Turning movement count survey Origin Destination study Truck parking survey Axle load survey Speed and Delay Survey Collection of data, on past traffic volume from the State P.W.D. for the available locations. (For Traffic survey Locations refer Annexure II ) TRAFFICOPERATIONANDSAFETYPLANSCOPE The Scope of traffic operation and safety Plan includes the safety of: Site / Project Workers Road Users Construction Machineries / Equipments Environment Project Assets OBJECTIVE Purpose of the Safety management system is to ensure safe traveling road use conditions to the road users during construction and to ensure efficient safe working condition to the workers during construction. SAFETYTRAFFICMANAGEMENT Objective of Safety Traffic Management is to: Ensure protection of workers on site through strict enforcement of safety plans /standards, proper training to the workers and through deployment of trained experience workers staff at site. Ensure applicable and adequate safety measures at site through proper barricading, safe access to site, lighting etc. and use of Personal Protective Equipments (PPE) other safety tools and equipments. Ensure smooth, safe and uninterrupted traffic flow on the project highway at all times during construction. Give adequate information / warning sufficiently in advance about any situation / event / matter affecting the project highway through proper sign ages, demarcations etc. Ensure safety of road users against the hazards due to Diversion Road Condition Low Visibility Vehicle breakdown on carriageway Repair work etc. in progress on carriageway or for any other reason resulting in disturbance in free flow of traffic disturbance to the properties adjacent to the project Ensure safety of project assets and public utilities. Ensure the compliance to the applicable IRC safety codes in good spirit. To ensure safety of road users and workers during construction defect liability period one Safety Officer will deputed at site for strict compilation to the safety standards. He shall be responsible for systematic identification, evaluation and implementation of preventive control of different foreseeable hazards. He shall also be responsible for making necessary arrangements for traffic safety and control through proper coordination with safety supervisors. He shall advice and assists the Engineers and Staff to create and maintain safe working conditions at site. SITESAFETYRULESANDREGULATIONS GENERAL RULES No drugs, alcohol or alcoholic beverages are permitted on work site. All connection for electricity, water supply and other temporary facilities made by authorized persons only and shall be in accordance with legal and contractual requirements. Work shall only be carried out if an authorized person has ordered it. GENERAL SAFETY HINTS TOTHE WORKERS Wear protective clothing or apparel where required to do so. Must wear other safety gear where required / indicated. Keep work site and work areas tidy. Use correct tools and safety apparel for the job. Maintain personal hygiene e.g. washing hands before meals. Report an unsafe condition to your supervisor and stop unsafe actions immediately. Think before you act. Dont horseplay or distract others. Dont take shortcuts, your safety and that of others is more important. Obey all safety rules and signs. Report all accidents however small, and have them treated immediately. TRAFFICSAFETYPLAN Work on the highway shall be carryout in a manner creating least interference to the flow of traffic. During execution of the work a passage would be constructed for traffic either along a part of the existing carriageway under improvement on constructed close to the highway, as per site enter width of road will remain open to traffic at all the times with suitable traffic diversion measures on granular or suitable surface as applicable/required. GUIDINGPRINCIPLESANDPRECAUTIONS The construction zone creates an environment where the road user is faced with a series of hazards in the form of unfamiliar routes and standard horizontal and vertical alignment, adversely placed construction equipment .The road user also has to keep a watch over traffic control devices apart from performing normal driving functions of vehicle control and responding to other traffic hazards. These factors increase the strain on drivers performance and may lead to accidents. The safety performance of the management and Safety officer would be oriented towards reducing conditions which lead to such hazards and would give stress where risk of accident is more. The guiding principles for safety in road construction zones are to: Warn the drivers I road user clearly and sufficiently in advance Provide safe and clear marked lanes for guiding road users Provide safe and clearly marked buffer and work zones Provide adequate measures that control driver behavior through construction zones, lane closures or traffic diversions. The following defined precautions shall be applied to all the work sites: All the signs and delineators shall be maintained in a clean and brightly painted condition at all times. Adequate lighting arrangements shall be made for proper visibility after sunset in construction zones. Adequate arrangements like frequent sprinkling of water shall be made to keep the area dust free. For high traffic density roads, the following precautions must be taken: For safety of workmen: Workmen would be given safety induction before work commences. First Aid training programs would be given to certain identified workmen and would be given responsibility to provide first aid to all the workmen at site. Workers required on site during night hours must be provided with fluorescent jackets and safety helmet with reflective tapes. Adequate barriers are provided to protect the workforce. Adequate temporary lighting is provided wherever it is required. For Safety of Road User: The material, equipment and machinery would be stocked / parked in places sufficiently away from the road. Machinery would be parked at appropriate places with red flags and red tights on during night. Adequate measures are implemented to prevent operatives, tools, materials, etc. from falling onto live carriageways. Speed limits are set, marked, and enforced. ADVANCE WARNING SUB-ZONE The advance warning sub-zone is meant to prepare the driver for an alert behaviour and is an essential part of any traffic control system. The warning system shall prepare the driver well in advance by providing information regarding distance. Extent and type of hazard ahead so that he can gradually reduce the speed of his vehicle. The information in this sub-zone is conveyed mostly through a series of traffic signs along its length. The transition sub-zone is the area in which the traffic is steered and guided into and out of the diverted path around the work sub-zone. This is the most crucial sub-zone from safety point of view since most of the movements are turning movements. The traffic in this sub-zone is mostly taken across with the help of barricades and channels. WORK SUB-ZONE This is the actual area where construction or maintenance activity is taking place and the main concern, therefore, is the safety of the workers at the site from the plying traffic. The path of the traffic must, therefore, be very clearly delineated to avoid intrusion of vehicles moving into the work area. The work sub-zones shall not be close to each other and the distance between the two work sub-zones shall be such that the flow of traffic can return to normal stream by permitting fast moving traffic to overtake slow moving vehicles. These distances shall preferably be 2 km on urban sections and 5 to 10 km on rural sections of the highway. The length of work sub-zones will vary. (For Recommended Length of Construction Zones refer Annexure III ) The traffic across these sub-zones is guided and taken with the help of various traffic control devices erected at the site. TERMINATION SUB-ZONE An information sign board shall be erected to inform road users of the end of Construction Zone. Traffic Safety Measures and Control: Following traffic safety measures shall be ensured during construction: Erection and maintenance of bamboo stack poles, caution signs and markings and flagmen for the information and protection of traffic approaching or passing through the section of the highway under improvement. All culverts and bridges would be barricaded by providing two drums at the two ends of culvert. In between drums, bamboo with red and white stripes would be installed with reflective tapes on them for night visibility. The area to be cordoned off with safety barricading tape. Caution boards shall be placed at two ends of the bridge. Red lights or warning lights of similar type shall be mounted on the barricades at night and kept it throughout from sunset to sunrise. At the points where traffic is to deviate from its normal path as per site requirement, the channel for traffic shall be clearly marked. At high traffic area, Caution boards would be installed 60 meters before the respective diversion area speed breaker board. DIVERSION3 board would be installed at the both ends of the diversion road. All diversions would be kept free of dust by frequent application of water. Flagmen with red and green flag would be deployed at both ends of the respective diversion for the smooth flow of traffic as and when required. Deep excavation area would be barricaded by barricading tape. For guidance of road user caution boards with regulatory and warning information such as GO SLOW, MEN AT WORK for illiterates pictorial GO SLOW, WORK IN PROGRESS would be installed at 100 meter intervals. TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES Traffic control devices are the devices which perform the crucial task of warning, informing and alerting the driver / road user apart from guiding the vehicle movements so that the driver of the vehicle as well as the workers on site are protected and safe passage to the traffic is possible. The primary traffic control devices used in work sub-zones are signs, delineators, barricades, cones, pylons, pavement markings, flashing lights etc. They shall be such that they are easily understood without any confusion, are clearly visible during day and night, conform to the prevailing speeds in immediate vicinity, stable against sudden adverse weather conditions and are easy in installation, removal and maintenance. SAFETY SIGNS Safety sign is a sign, which uses a pictorial symbol to provide health or safety information or instruction. The sign may also include a written message. The construction and maintenance signs fall into the same three major categories viz. regulatory signs, warning signs arid guide signs as other traffic signs do. Warning, Cautionary, Prohibition and command signs shall be installed and will not be removed or changed till they are required at site. REGULATORY SIGNS Regulatory signs mean legal restrictions on the traffic. The most common types for use in construction zones are Do not Enter, Road Closed, Speed limit etc. The most common type of warning signs to alert the drivers of the possible dangers ahead in construction zones are Lane Closed, Diversion to other Carriageway, Divided Carriageway Starts, Divided Carriageway Ends and Two Way Traffic etc. Sometimes it might be advisable to explain these signs with the help of a rectangular definition plate of size appropriate to the size of warning triangle and placed 0.15 m below, from the bottom of the triangle. GUIDE SIGNS Guide signs in construction zones shall have different background colour than the normal informatory signs. These signs shall have black messages and arrows on yellow background. The commonly used guide signs are: Diversion, Road Ahead Closed and Sharp Deviation of route etc. DELINEATORS Delineators are the channelizing devices such as cones, traffic cylinders, tapes, drums, which shall be placed in or adjacent to the roadway to guide the drivers along a safe path and to control the flow of traffic. These shall normally be retro-reflectorised for night visibility. TRAFFIC CONES AND CYLINDERS Traffic cones are normally 0.5m to 0.75m high and 0.3m to 0.4m in diameter or are in square shape at the base. These are mostly made of plastic or rubber with retro- reflectorised red and white band and have suitable anchoring so that they are not easily blown over or displaced. They shall be placed close enough together to give an impression of the continuity. The spacing shall be 3m (close) to 9m (normal). Larger size cones can be used for high speeds or where more conspicuous guidance is required. DRUMS Empty bitumen drums (made of metal) cut to the required height shall also be used as channelizing devices since they are highly visible give the appearance of being formidable objects, thereby commanding the respect of the drivers. These drums can also be of plastic which are lighter, easy to transport and store. As delineators, these drums shall be about 0.80 to 1.0 m high and 0.30 m in diameter. They shall be painted in circumferential strips 0.10 m to 0.15 m wide, alternatively in black and white colours. Whenever the traffic has to be restricted from entering the work areas, such as excavations or material storage sites so that protection to workers is provided or there is a need for separating the two way traffic, barricades shall be used. The barricades can be portable or permanent type and can be made of wooden planks, metal or other suitable material. The horizontal component facing the traffic is made of 0.30 m wide wooden planks joined together and painted in alternate yellow and white strips of 0.15 m width and sloping down at an angle of 45 degree in the direction of the traffic Suitable support or ballasting shall be provided so that they do not over turn or are not blown away in strong winds. In case of a permanent type barricade, a gate or movable section shall be separately provided to allow the movement of construction/supervision vehicles. FLAGMEN On large construction sites, flagmen with flags and sign paddles shall be effectively used to guide the safe movements. The flags for signalling shall be 0.60 m x 0.60 m size, made of a good red cloth and securely fastened to a staff of approximately 1m in length. SAFETY AND MANAGEMENT PRACTICES Measures for providing safe movement of traffic in some of the most commonly occurring work zones on highways shall be as follows: TEMPORARY DIVERSION: In the cases of major repairs or reconstruction of cross drainage structures on a highway section, damaged due to flood etc., the traffic may have to pass on a diversion, moving parallel to the highway. The warning for the construction ahead shall be provided by the sign Men at Work about 1 km earlier to the work zone or a supplementary plate indicating Diversion 1 km ahead and I or a sign Road Closed Ahead shall be placed. It shall be followed by Compulsory Turn Right/Left Sign. The Detour and Sharp Deviation sign shall be used to guide the traffic onto the diversion. Hazard markers shall be placed just where the railings for the cross drainage structures on the diversion starts. PARTIAL CLOSURE OF EXISTING TWO LANE CARRIAGEWAY: In special situations when the existing two lanes in use for the main traffic need emergency repairs and the new lanes under construction are not available for diversion of the traffic. it will become necessary to carryout special repairs through partial closure of the existing two lane facility. In this situation care shall be taken that the traffic is guided from the closed lane onto the operating lane without conflicting with the traffic from opposite direction. The warning sign for Men at Work shall be the installed such that it shall be seen by the approaching vehicle driver at the first instance. This sign shall also have a supplementary plate showing the distance of work zone. The next warning sign shall be for the Road Narrowing (depending upon the lane closure). Compulsory Keep Right or Keep Left sign depending upon the situation shall be provided at the beginning of the transition zone and taper. The point from where the traffic is to deviate from its normal path, the channel for traffic shall be clearly marked with the aid of painted drums or traffic cones. The spacing of these cones and/or drums shall be about 9 m or closer as per site requirement. The traffic lane or carriageway closed sign shall also be provided at barricades along with Keep Right / Left sign. CARRIAGEWAY REPAIRS: Whenever the work of small magnitude is to be carried out in the middle of the carriageway, such as minor repairs of potholes, cracks and patches, then the traffic control measures shall mainly consist of providing cautionary signs of Men at Work, about 500m before the work zone for the approaching vehicle and other cautionary sign of Road Narrows, shall be placed at 100m ahead of work area. Regulatory sign of Keep Left/Right shall be placed at the commencement point of the work zone and next to the barriers for the approaching vehicles. Movable type of barriers shall also be placed on both sides of the work area. Cones or drums shall be placed at suitable interval to demarcate the work area. CONSTRUCTION OF NEW CARRIAGEWAY URBAN SECTION OF THE PROJECT HIGHWAY: a) The service roads on either side together with side drains shall be constructed initially. During this period the main traffic shall use the existing two lane carriageway. The construction traffic in the work zone shall be safely brought out from the main stream traffic by erecting appropriate signs at the beginning of the work site. Also on return it will be amalgamated with the mainstream traffic by erecting appropriate signs at the end of the work site. It shall be ensured that there shall be identified entry and exist points duly designed so that haphazard entry or exit of construction traffic is avoided. Conflicting turning movements shall be avoided. b) On completion of the Stage-I, the main traffic shall be diverted on their respective directions on to the newly constructed service road I roads and the 4-laning of the existing two lane carriageway shall be done as per drawings. During this stage, position of different signs / delineators / barricades to ensure safety of workers. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION AND EVALUATION HOUSE KEEPING Definition: Housekeeping is an orderly arrangement of operations, tools, equipment, storage facilities and supplies. A place for everything and everything in its place. House Keeping is a good indicator of construction safety attitude. It improves employees morale, reduces operating cost, increases production time, facilitates easy check of operations and reduces accident. MAIN HAZARDS Poor storage of materials Rubbish left to accumulate Restricted or blocked access Inadequate waste skips or bins Trailing cables Due to poor housekeeping many accidents happen on site. The majority of these are slips, trips, falls and manual handling accidents. POSSIBLE CAUSES FOR POOR HOUSE KEEPING A. Lack of Orderliness and Cleanliness Oily condition of the floor Uneven floor and protruding parts on the floor Leaky taps Trench covers Slippery condition around the wash basin No gang way Aisles not clearly marked Hand tools on work benches B. Scrap and Rubbish No containers Overflowing of containers Cotton waste Electrode bits Scrap lying scattered Chips lying around machines C. Tools Broken tools Tools and materials left at heights Inadequate for purpose D. Materials Materials improperly stacked Projecting materials obstructing aisles Improperly packed / No packing Lifting tackles lying below materials E. Power Accessibility to panel boards Cable trenches full of unwanted materials Welding cables not protected when crossing gangways Power cords crossing gangways Improper cylinder caps and keys Condition of gas cylinder hoses F. Lights and Ventilation Improper Lighting Improper Ventilation PRECAUTIONS Maintain the worksite and premises in a healthy, clean and sanitary Condition Plan access routes and keep all gangways, aisles and stairways clean and clear. Define storage and compound areas. Stack or place materials, tools and other equipment in a such way that they do not hinder worksite activities. Ensure materials are stored correctly and kept in the store until needed. Ensure that waste materials are cleared up and disposed of correctly, or placed in waste containers, as work proceeds. Dont leave rubbish lying around: tidy up as you go. Wipe out spilt oil, grease or liquids immediately. Special attention shall be given to removal of slipping and tripping hazards. Dont leave loose tools on running machines. Use signs whenever and wherever necessary. HOW TO IMPROVE Plan carefully the house keeping programme, section-wise and get cooperation from all employees. Systematic checking of all operations, plant and machinery condition at frequent intervals and also ensure prompt action to rectify the defects. By proper control over the flow and usage of the materials, housekeeping becomes easier and less expensive. Lay out of machinery, equipment, storage space, aisles and material movement facilitates should be pie-planned. Constitute a housekeeping committee, which makes a routine inspection of various sections and suggests ways for removing unsafe conditions. PRINCIPLES OF EARTHING National regulation on electricity requires that all non-current carrying metallic part of electrical equipment should be solidly connected to the general mass of the earth with at least two distinct earth connections. The principle behind earthing is that any leakage current which accidentally energizes non-current carrying metallic parts should flow back through the general mass of earth to the sustains thereby protective devices are actuated to cut off the supply as quickly as possible. The earth connections should provide least possible resistance to the flow of current. The setting and selection of the protective devices should be such that it should operate fast enough to cut off the supply so that anyone coming into contact with the defective appliance or equipment could be saved from the electric shock. METHODOLOGY OF CULVERT AND BRIDGE When the work start on culvert and bridge perversion of traffic movement change without safety precautions. Caution board I sign board be used. Delineator, Barricade and direction board be used. When worker work at site flagman both direction indicate traffic movement and road marking line show. BARRICADING OF CULVERT AND BRIDGE Barricading of culvert and bridge are to be proposed type 1 type 2. Caution board Delineator Potable barricade Permanent barricade Safety tapes CONCENTRIC WIDENING IN URBAN AREA Concentric widening in urban areas to be done after local traffic move on service road by Delineator 1 sign board SAFETY MEASURES DURING NORMAL OPERATION Suddenly vehicle on the carriageway are the course of further accidents obstructing the smooth flow of the traffic. HIGHWAY PETROL No Parking of a vehicle on any of the divided carriageway taken place any time. Immediate assistance is provided to accident victims and their rescue. Minor debris and stalled vehicles are removed from carriageway within an hour Time. In the accident of traffic congestion adequate measures Shall be taken mitigate VEHICLE BREAK DOWN AND ACCIDENT Relevant operating procedures include the setting up of temporary traffic cones and lights. Ensure any diversion or Interruption of traffic is remedied without delay. SAFETY MEASURES DURING CONCESSION PERIOD During the concession period many activities are involved at different stages and at various periods in respect of construction operation and maintenance of the Project highway. Safety of the road user and the project work man at site- CHECKLIST OF WORK MAN AT SITE Safety of the project workers at site during duty hours responsibility ensured by him safety measures appropriate for the job a work man performs provided. Accidents of the workers by the traffic using the highway diversion Provide helmets and protective chest vests to its work man at site and make it compulsory for to wear. Insure all the project workers against accident Labour law follow CONCLUSION On comparing various factors of Kota-Jhalawar road section on NH-12 with those of Aligarh-kanpur road section on NH-91 it is concluded that- There are too many alternative routes on Kota section There is too much leakage of traffic in Kota section The states from where the maximum traffic is coming dont have good GDP The traffic is very less on Kota section Overall revenue generation was very low compared to the project cost in Kota section Based on the above factors, no bid was submitted for the Kota section whereas Aligarh section was aggressively bid and won. Have to look upon the following factors also- In the years ahead, the construction industry in India has to overcome various challenges with respect to housing, environment, transportation, power or natural hazards. Technocrats associated with the Indian construction industry need to employ innovative technologies and skilled project handling strategies to overcome these challenges. The outstanding performance under demanding situations in the past will stand in good stead and give confidence to the Indian construction industry to bring about an overall development in the infrastructure of the nation.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Activities to Increase Students Vocabulary
Are you looking for a few fun ideas that will help increase your students writing, speaking, listening and reading vocabulary? Well here are 6 motivational activities to help expand their vocabulary. Fun With Literature When students hear the name Junie B. Jones or Ameila Bedelia (the main characters that are in popular book series) you will probably hear a roar of cheers from your students. Junie B and Ameila are well known for the hilarious antics and situations that they get themselves into. These series books are wonderful to use for prediction and to help enrich students vocabulary. You can have students predict what they think the main character will get into next. Another great collection that is filled with endless language opportunities is the books by Ruth Heller. This author offers a collection of rhythmic books about adjective, verbs, and nouns that are great for young students. Vocabulary Builder A fun and impressive way to increase and build students vocabulary is to create a Breakthrough Box. Tell students that each day they are going to discover or breakthrough a new word and learn its meaning. Each week for homework students must cut out a word from a magazine, newspaper, cereal box, ect. and paste it to an index card. Then at school, they put it into the Breakthrough Box. At the start of each day, the teacher randomly calls upon one student to pull out a card from the box and the students task is to discover its meaning. Each day a new word and its meaning is discovered. Once students learn the meaning of the word, they can write it down in their vocabulary book. Inventive Terminology This creative vocabulary activity is perfect for morning seat work. Each morning write one sentence on the board and underline one word that students may not know the meaning of. For example The old man was wearing a gray fedora. The students would have to figure out that fedora meant hat. Challenge the students to read the sentence and try to figure out the meaning of the underlined word. Their task is to write the meaning and draw a correlating picture. Character Traits To help increase your students descriptive vocabulary have each student create a character traits T chart for the current book they are reading. One the left side of the T chart students would list the main characters actions that are described in the story. Then on the right side, the students would list other words that describe that same action. This can be done as a class with your current read-aloud book, or independently with the students current book that they are reading. Picture of the Day Each day as part of your morning routine tape a picture of anything you want to the front board. The students task is to look at the picture on the front board and come up with 3-5 words that describe that picture. For example, place a picture of a gray furry kitten on the front board, and students would use descriptive words such as gray, furry, etc. to describe it. Once they get the hang of it, make the picture and words harder. You can even encourage students to bring in pictures or objects to hang or clip to the front board. Word of the Day Challenge students (with help from their parents) to choose one word and learn its meaning. Their task is to teach the rest of the class the word and meaning. Send a not home encouraging students to memorize and really learn their word and meaning so it will be easy for them to teach it to their classmates.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Molly Maguires Essay - 1436 Words
Who were the Molly Maguires? Did they really exist? These are questions asked by many people today. Some historians wonder if the Molly Maguires really did bring their secret society from England to the United States, or if the incidents blamed on them were just random accidents on which officials needed to place a blame. We may never actually know... nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;There are many ideas about how the â€Å"Molly Maguires†got their name. One of the most popular is that Molly was a poor widow, who was evicted from her home after the landlord’s agent apparently, â€Å"severely abused her and her daughter†. The group adopted this name in homage to the Molly and her bravery. Another theory is that Molly’s home was used as the first†¦show more content†¦A year later, The Workingmen’s Benevolent Association. The WBA struck first for a minimum base of objectives (i.e., better hours, better pay, etc). Their strike showed general unification even though it was unsuccessful in achieving basically, anything. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;While the Workingmen’s Benevolent Association’s members were of many different nationalities, the Irish continued with their local chapters of the Ancient Order of the Hibernians. The middle and upper classes, although it consisted of all classes, mainly ran the AOH. Therefore the Irish workers had a difficult time, even with their own â€Å"brothers†, gaining support for their struggle for better working conditions in the mines. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The destruction of the AOH became essential to the coal operators, because they did not want all of their workers turning against them. When miners involved in the AOH realized that many, if not most of the companies they were fighting against were heavily invested in by British investors, fuel was added to their fire. The Irish-American could not easily forget their hatred for the English. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;One may question, what did the Irish have against the English? The answer one will find is, plenty! In Ireland, the landlords and agents and in American there were bosses and mine owners. The landlords in Ireland lived on large estates in the Irish countryside and chargedShow MoreRelatedThe Molly Maguires Essay2074 Words  | 9 PagesThe Molly Maguires People of many different nationalities settled in Pennsylvania to work in the coal mines. Conflicts developed not only among people of different cultural backgrounds but also between laborers and owners of the mines. The struggle between labor and management is illustrated in the story of the Molly Maguires, an Irish group which settled in eastern Pennsylvania. The Molly Maguires were perhaps the most gruesome chapter in the history of Pennsylvania. 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Some historians wonder if the Molly Maguires really did bring their secret society from England to the United States, or if the incidents blamed on them were just random accidents on which officials needed to place a blame. We may never actually know... There are many ideas about how the Molly Maguires got their name. One of the most popular is that Molly was a poor widow, who was evicted fromRead MoreEssay about Industrial Revolution Led to Labor Unions520 Words  | 3 Pageswas during the 1870’s in a coal region of Pennsylvania. The conditions were harsh in the mines and there were few if any safety precautions. A group of Irish miners organized a union in which they called Molly Maguires. Pinkerton agents were sent in by the mine owners to control the Molly Maguires, this event led to the formation of other strike groups. The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 was America’s first nationwide strike. 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A group called the Molly Maguires stepped up to help stand up for a much needed change. Originally based out of Northern Ireland, this group of full blood Irishmen all traveled to the United States in hope of better conditions than those created by their British landlords. This group had no mercy and it definitely showed. They stood up by murdering many of their mine bosses and going on many strikes until they received better pay for the hard labor. The Maguires worked with the largest frater nalRead MoreEssay about Technology and Society2552 Words  | 11 PagesPennsylvania mining towns endured in the late 1800’s. It was a time when the terror of the Molly Maguires reigned, and many of Centralia’s top officials fled. This period peaked with the murders of both Michael Lanathan and Thomas Dougherty. Although both of these murders were mysterious, evidence that the Molly Maguires perpetrated the crimes was available. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Introduction to Events Tennis Tournament
Question: Discuss about the Introduction to Eventsfor Tennis Tournament. Answer: Introduction The Australian Open is one of the most important tennis tournament which is held in Melbourne, Australia, every year in January. It is considered as the first Grand Slam event of every year. The tournament has been played on Rebound Ace (green colored) till 2007 and there have been use of blue Plexicushion after that (Coche 2013). This event has the record for high attendance, which is equivalent to US Open. It also has the record for highest ever attendance at one of the Grand Slam events. The Australian event was the first to feature indoor play events at the time of extreme hot weather or wet weather. Australian Open Tennis Championship The Australian Open event is managed by the Tennis Australia and it was first played at Warehousemans Cricket Ground during 1905. It has been staged at Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide ( 2017). The prize money of the events mens and womens single tournament is distributed equally. The overall prize money of the Australian event 2017 was AUD $50,000,000 ( 2017). It is considered as the highest prize money in a tennis tournament. The womens singles winner is given Daphne Akhurst Memorial Cup and that of mens single is presented with Norman Brookes Challenge Cup ( 2017). The Australian open can be classified by its content. It has mens and womens singles, where there is competition between either the males or females playing solo. There can be mixed doubles in which the men and women play together in a tournament ( 2017). There are also junior championships. There are womens doubles and mens doubles also. There are also womens wheelchair doubles and mens wheelchair doubles for the physically disabled players. The tournament records a very high rate of attendance and the average growth rate of the event attendance is 7%. The attendance in the year 2017 was 728,763 as compared to 703,899 in the year 2015 (Rowe 2016.). The tournament is a part of the Grand Slam events, which comprises of four important annual tennis events. The Grand slam events are known to offer good ranks, high prize money, media attention, public attention, huge strength, premium quality fields and big size of fields. The Australian Open tournaments is played on hard courts and takes place in the last fortnight of the month of January every year ( 2017). The event is broadcasted on online mediums as well as televisions all around the world (Quayle et al. 2017). In Australia, the event is being broadcasted by the Seven Networks since the year 1973. It was also co-broadcast by Fox Sports. Conclusion Australian Open Tennis Tournament is a part of the prestigious Grand Slam events, which has worldwide reputation. This essay discussed the type of the event and the nature of the event in a detailed manner. It also classified the event as per its content, form and size for gaining clarity. This research essay would help in greater clarity for understanding the concepts of Australian Open Tennis Tournaments. References Coche, R., 2013. Is ESPN really the womens sports network? A content analysis of ESPNs Internet coverage of the Australian Open.Electronic News,7(2), pp.72-88. Quayle, M., Wurm, A., Barnes, H., Barr, T., Beal, E., Fallon, M., Flynn, R., McGrath, D., McKenna, R., Mernagh, D. and Pilch, M., 2017. Stereotyping by omission and commission: Creating distinctive gendered spectacles in the televised coverage of the 2015 Australian Open mens and womens tennis singles semi-finals and finals.International Review for the Sociology of Sport, p.1012690217701889. Rowe, D., 2016. Cultural citizenship, media and sport in contemporary Australia.International Review for the Sociology of Sport, p.1012690216641147., 2017. Home - Australian Open Tennis Championships 2017 - The Grand Slam of Asia/Pacific - Official Site by IBM. (2017) Retrieved 9 April 2017, from https://
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